Thursday, May 17, 2012

Random Observations about life's little mysteries.....

On occasion I have posted "random thoughts" on my FB page, (the one that is ruining my life) and realized that really, the limited amount of space those stingy bastards give you to post your "status" isn't sufficient.  There are mind blowing observations to make and burning questions that people want answers to. Alas, I don't have the answers, but the questions are pretty fucking good. Truly, this particular rant, I mean blog, could go on for years listing all of the mysteries of the life but since I have a limited amount of time and space, these at the forefront of my mind will have to do. Buckle up and be ready to be bewildered.

Why do people push the elevator button after it's already lit? Do they think that the elevator has a tally and the more pushes the faster it comes? Why do people turn down the radio when they are looking for an address? Does the auditory part of your brain take over the directional part and listening and thinking are just way too much of an overload? WTF? Why is that when people say the "N" word it's so much more offensive then let's say when a person says honkey or cracker or any other racial slur. When did the "N" word become the tantamount of all racial slurs and who decided this? Was there a voting at the rainbow coalition meeting? If there was, I don't think my color of the rainbow had a any kind of representation. Why do some people refer to themselves as such and such/American? Shouldn't the American come first? I mean if you're a citizen and you're reaping the benefits of being a citizen, shouldn't that come before wherever your ancestors are from? Why is it that people have bumper stickers asking people to save children in far away lands, when we have plenty of them being abused and neglected right here in the USA? Why is it that when an animal is tortured or killed in a movie people are horrified, but when a person is mutilated, nobody flinches? Sometimes, they even cheer? Why is it called "reality" tv if it isn't really real 100% of the time. Should it be called kind of reality, but not really tv? And when did people who are willing to disgrace and embarrass themselves on TV for either money or fame or sometimes both become "celebrities"? Why is the Toys R Us "R" backwards? Are they marketing to the dyslexic kids? And if they are, shouldn't they be carrying Nek and Eibarb? Where are those toys? Why is that people at work always want to have a potluck? Don't they have enough food at home? Do they really want to share their culinary skills with their co-workers? And, why is there always that one person that takes a plate home? Again, do you not have enough food at home so you need to take some of everyone else's store bought chicken? Why do people go out to dinner to eat the same food they cook at home? For example if you're Italian, why go out for Italian food? Are you comparison shopping? Why do people that prefer to live in trailers also happen to pick places where tornadoes hit? Haven't they read that book? Don't they know how the story ends? Why do airlines still leave out row 13 from planes? Do we really want to trust our fate during a flight to people who are THAT superstitious? Are they cancelling all flights on 12/21/12 also? Why is it when something goes bad we ask someone else to smell it? Do we need affirmation that we have just smelled the grossest thing ever? Why do we have the most state of the art technology to find our missing electronics, but kids still get kidnapped? Shouldn't we be implanting chips into those little fuckers from birth? If we are late to something and haven't even left the house yet why do we lie and people and say we are on our way? Who are we fooling? Don't we realize people are going to notice it took us THAT much longer to get there?
As previously indicated, this could go on and on.....but reality beckons, so that is it for this edition of Random Observations. Stay tuned for part 2.......I am sure you are breathless! 

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