Ugh... see what 2017 has done to me already? I fucking missed my Merry Fucking Christmas post, I missed my un-resolution, resolution post and now I have to fucking write about politics. WHAT THE FUCK? Seriously, what the fuck? So much has happened since this piece of trash uneducated shit (POTUS-see what I did there?) has taken office, I have been forced, forced I tell you to address it. I am what you call politically an extremist. There are beliefs I have that are far right (very few and far between) and some I have to the extreme left, but I am mostly in the middle. Really, what I'm mostly for is a real democracy, which we don't have. But fuck... there has been some ridiculous shit that has happened.
First, starting off with the fucking ignorant people who berated and belittled all the HUMAN BEINGS who marched all over the world for a common belief, fuck you. For those women who believe that their pussies shouldn't be grabbed randomly, their procreation rights trampled by the government and want equal pay and treatment in the workplace... thank you , I appreciate your stance and your passion. Am I feminist? Probably not, I think mostly because I say the word bitch too much. But seriously, I have been saying for years that women are the most discriminated against group in the world, and I'm pretty much always right, so there. The problem is the divide created by BOTH sides. What's that saying, opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and everyone's stinks. If you don't like the smell of the asshole, move on to the next. No need for name calling or violence. No need to belittle what someone else believes in to further your own cause. (This does not count for racism, religious intolerance or advocating violence, because I said so)
Second, just the sheer lack of experience and lack of honesty. Look, I was born at night, but not last fucking night. (I actually don't know if I was born at night, so Mom or Dad if you're reading this, a little clarification please). Maybe it was a good idea to have a business person run the country. More efficient, less special interests, more innovation. I agree, but not the business man they chose. His business ventures aren't even successful and they're dishonest and shady. He hasn't worked for anything ever and he is perpetuating this environment of ignorance by nominating and appointing people even less qualified than him, if possible. This is a problem. The bullshit-o-meter is off the charts on this regime (not an administration because that implies organization and efficency) and the level of hostility is just unbelievable. The maturity level of this person and his staff to take to SOCIAL media (it's fucking called SOCIAL media because it's not ACTUAL media) to rip off whatever pops into their fucking ignorant minds is just mind blowing. No leader of any country, nation or territory is perfect and you're not going to please all of the people all of the time, but there's got to be some effoft and plan to at least further the welfare of the people you are supposed to be taking care of.
Lastly, it brings me to my final and yet saddest point. Look, bullshit aside, I (me and mine) are going to be fine. We're going to endure this fucking nightmare for as long as it lasts, with most likely minimal impact. And it's because we have careers in industries that are essentially recession proof and none of our immediate family members are gay. (another post for another day on how this regime is the most discriminatory) We're going to be alright. You know who is not going to be alright? All the misinformed, misled people from White middle America who decided that he was the best option. The best option, think about that for a minute. A (might as well be through his statements and actions) self declared misogynist, a person with a track record of blatant racism, a person with ties to countries with whom this country has declared "enemies of the state". THIS was what they felt was their best option. Opinions (or assholes, whichever you like best) of the previous administration aside, or the proposed opponent in the past election aside, this was NOT the best option for those rural farmers in Ohio, those unemployed in Michigan and those disenfranchised from the "Bible Belt". This person does not care about their plight or their future. This is evident in the cabinet selections he has made and the pretend "laws" he has tried to enact. The most unfortunate part is that whoever inherits this mess when it is over, is going to spend their first 4 years cleaning it up before they can tackle the issues that this alternative fact spewer promised he would take care of.
I can't remember a time (probably because I am so young) when the country was so divided, and violently divided with opinions about the leadership of this country. I can't remember a time when our fellow American felt so completely opposed to immigrants entering this country post WWII. I can't remember ever despising a leader of this country more than I despise this man (and I lived through George W. Bush) and the people that are so vehemently dedicated to his cause and bullshit. These are odd times my friends, and I hope with all my heart you find a way a through. There is a post with no attributed author on tips on how to "resist" the new president. You should Google that shit.
Until then, call me a fucking snowflake. That's fucking right, because you know what, there are no two identical snowflakes because just like us they all have assholes, I mean opinions. Fight the good fight my friends.